Φάση Σεναρίου
Αγγλική Γλώσσα (Δημοτικό)
Μικροί μεταφραστές εν δράσει!
Prior to procceeding to this phase, it is required that the teacher have read the detailed manual containing instructions about the use of the ClipFlair Studio (it can be reached at http://social.clipflair.net/help/manual.aspx). In addition, the videos students are going to work on must have been downloaded in accordance with the ClipFlair instructions as all students' work will be done on the ClipFlair Studio web platform (New Activity).
The students are arranged into groups of three or four (depending on class size). Each group is assigned one short Mr. Bean video. Some videos recommended are: 'Mr Bean- Getting up late for the dentist' / 'Mr Bean-Restaurant' / 'Mr Bean-Sandwich for lunch' / Mr Bean-Takes the train' / 'Mr Bean-The exam'. Students are encouraged to view the videos and then discuss which scenes they could caption (add subtitles). Then, they are asked to agree on and produce English subtitles (and/or voice, if there is equipment available) taking into consideration any gestures, facial expressions and other non verbal features. The use of dictionaries is strongly reccommended!
After all the groups are done, students make sure they have saved their subtitled videos and present their work to the class.