Φάση Σεναρίου

Αγγλική Γλώσσα (Γυμνάσιο)

Artful thinking

3 ώρες

Post - viewing

Φύλλα Εργασίας

Activity 1

Students are asked to discuss in their teams “What are some thoughts you have about the image of Starry night now that you didn’t have when you first looked at the picture?”  and to write a paragraph on their computers containing everyone’s thoughts. (Reflection). Each team presents its thoughs to the plenary using a projector.

Activity 2

Dramatization. Students imagine that they are part of the painting Starry night after viewing the short motivating video. They have to create a dialogue and to act it out. There are leading questions on the video for help.

Extra material.

If there is time they can do the alternative activities 1,2, or 3.

Alternative 1. Colour the painting Starry night. (Φύλλο Εργασίας 1)

Alternative 2.: Interactive activity. Visit Washington’s National Gallery of Art, enter the Dutch house, proceed to the painter’s room, decorate it and create a painting. Save it. Let's have a competition.

Alternative 3. : Do an Art Personality Test “What kind of art personality are you?” visiting BBC’s Website. Then discuss with your partner about your art preferences and your personality type.

Inserting in Starry night

Watch the short video and then being part of the painting, create a dialogue and act it out.

Alternative activity 2.

Enter Washington’s National Gallery of Art. Proceed to proceed to the painter’s room, decorate it and create a painting.

The artist's room.

Enter and decorate it.

Alternative activity 3

Art Personality Test.

Δημιουργός Σεναρίου: ΜΑΓΔΑΛΗΝΗ ΤΣΙΟΝΚΗ (Εκπαιδευτικός)
Το σενάριο «Artful thinking» έχει χαρακτηριστεί ως Βέλτιστο (βαθμολογία 70 μονάδων και άνω) ύστερα από αξιολόγηση που πραγματοποιήθηκε από δύο αξιολογητές βάσει κριτηρίων που ορίστηκαν από το ΔΣ του ΙΕΠ.